Cornerstone Speech Services provides speech and language therapy for toddlers, school-age children and adults. In addition to speech therapy services, we offer Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Pediatric Feeding Therapy.

Home and clinic based

 Speech therapy services are offered in our clinic located in Fair Oaks, CA. In addition to clinic based services, we offer sessions via Telehealth and/or in your home**. It is important to note that home based services are reserved for early intervention clients of Alta Regional Center only.

Family centered

Parents, siblings, spouses, and/or caregivers play an essential role in the therapeutic process. It is important to include these key family members to ensure maximal benefits of speech therapy.

Client and family
centered treatment plan

The clinician will collaborate closely with the client and family in order to create a treatment plan that addresses each individual need.


Now accepting Kaiser Permanente!

A Message To Our Clients Regarding COVID-19

We are committed to the health and safety of our Cornerstone Family. We are monitoring the CDC website and taking all necessary precautions.

Obviously, the health and safety of our clients and staff is our priority. Currently, we are providing in office, remote and in-home speech therapy services. We have implemented some changes and additional health precautions as required by health authorities. 

We ask that you call our office to schedule an appointment for a formal evaluation and/or speech and language therapy services. Upon making your appointment, we will share visitation protocols at that time. 

The current situation continues to change; therefore, client’s and their families are encouraged to check the following resources for up-to-date information on COVID-19, including how to best keep yourself safe and what you should do if you suspect that either you or a family member may have fallen ill with the virus.

Please call to reschedule your appointment if you or your family member are experiencing any of the following:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Flu like symptoms

  • Shortness of breath

  • Been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19

  • Recently traveled or been exposed to anyone returning from outside of the US.

Thank you so much for your flexibility and understanding during this dynamic time.


The Cornerstone Team